Saturday, February 7, 2009

SG Membership

For anyone wanted to join SG, please print the following application and mail it to the address included!

Sustainable Glasgow, Inc.
2009 Membership Application

Personal Information

* First Name ___________________ * Last Name ____________________

* Contact E-mail __________________________

* Home Phone __________________ * Cell Phone _____________________

Mailing Address

* Street _________________________________

* City _____________ *State _____ * Zip _______


_____ Family Membership ($25)

List all family members (18+) (SG is looking for numbers!)
* Name _______________________________
Contact E-mail ________________________
Phone _______________________________

* Name _______________________________
Contact E-mail ________________________
Phone _______________________________

* Name _______________________________
Contact E-mail ________________________
Phone _______________________________

Committees (Please circle one you would like to be a part of)

Membership - This committee's task shall be to spread the word about SG and
try to steadily grow the membership toward 1,000 members.

Garden Plot Project - This committee's task shall be to gather the necessary information such that a project mimicking Bowling Green's initiative becomes active in Glasgow for this growing season...that means conceived, proposed, and accepted by the City by the end of March, 2009.

Year Round Marketplace - This committee's task shall be to gather the necessary information and do the work associated with the establishment of a year-round market facility where local producers and local consumers can conduct commerce.

Producer's Database - This committee's task will be to work on the central task of gathering information about all regional producers and gather enough information about each of them such that a simple web page could be established for each of them.

Political Action Committee - This committee will be responsible for developing relationships with local governments and other local boards such that SG is in a position to know what is being considered and be prepared to take positions on issues of interest to SG.

Return application along with $25 membership fee to:
Sustainable Glasgow, Inc.
PO Box 1654
Glasgow, KY 42142

Please make checks payable to “Sustainable Glasgow, Inc.”

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